Announcing Something New on POPVOX

1 min read

In the coming weeks, things will begin to look a little different on POPVOX, starting with the bill page.

Today we kick off a series of changes designed to give you a personalized POPVOX experience, more ways to engage, richer content — and soon, state-level data.

The key to this transition is a new series of POPVOX cards, which are making their debut on bill pages and on your dashboard.

Each of these cards contains an entity (lawmaker, organization, bill, or constituent) that can be followed, and an action (supported, endorsed, sponsored, etc.) that can be appreciated [♡] or shared. 

On Bill Pages, the Feed is like a timeline, displaying activity on the bill since its introduction, including official activity, advocacy input, and constituent comments. 

On your Dashboard, the Feed will display activity by people, organizations or bills you follow, activity by your legislators, and soon, much more!

POPVOX is — and will always be — a work in progress, shaped by your input, ideas, and feedback. There will be many changes in the coming weeks and much will evolve from what we hear from you. Please take a moment to test out the new cards and feed. Tell us what you think. Tell us what you would like to see. And keep checking back!

On behalf of our entire Team POPVOX, we thank you for being a part of this community and for making POPVOX possible!

[ UPDATE: Special note from the tech team at POVOX — You may notice things that appear visually strange or misaligned. This is likely due to caching in your browser. If you "hard refresh" (explained here), it should force your browser to refetch all of our CSS for the page, and then things should look right. But please let us know if that doesn't do it. ]