3/20/13: Six Budget proposals have been introduced in Congress for Fiscal Year 2014. The Budget resolutions drafted by the House and Senate Budget Chairs have passed committee and are now slated for consideration on their respective chamber floors. The Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget is usually offered as an amendment to the House Budget resolution, though the Rules Committee will have the final say on whether the amendment is accepted and a vote allowed. Weigh in on these budget proposals, and POPVOX will deliver your message to your Representative and Senators.
FY 2014 Budget Proposals
- House The House GOP “Path to Prosperity, introduced by Budget Chairman, Paul Ryan
- CPC The Congressional Progressive Caucus “Back to Work Budget”, introduced by Progressive Caucus Chairman, Raul Grijalva
- Senate The Senate Democratic “Foundation for Growth: Restoring the Promise of American Opportunity” Budget, introduced by Senate Budget Chairwoman, Patty Murray
- RSC The Republican Study Committee Budget for FY 2014, introduced by RSC Budget and Spending Task Force Chairman Rob Woodall
- Dem Alt The House Democratic Budget for FY 2014, introduced by House Budget Committee Ranking Member, Chris Van Hollen
- CBC The Congressional Black Caucus Budget for FY 2014, introduced by CBC Chair, Marcia Fudge
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