POPVOX Transitioning to the New Congress

1 min read

Today at 12:00 PM ET, the House and Senate will convene the 113th Congress. New Members will be sworn in. The House will vote on a new Rules package. The Congress will restart. POPVOX will be transitioning too.


  1. Redistricting – All POPVOX users will be “redistricted” and placed in their new Congressional districts, based on the address associiated with your account.
  2. New Legislators – New Members of Congres will get their own GetToKnow pages on POPVOX, though some of the information there will be sparse as the new offices get up and running.
  3. Bill archiving – All of the bills that have been pending over the past two years will be archived — along with the comments and input submitted through POPVOX.
  4. Reintroduction – Once a bill is archived, you will no longer be able to send a message to Congress for or against the archived bill, but you will be able to advocate for its re-introduction.


CONSITITUENT MESSAGES WILL BE DELIVERED – During the transition, many offices are not receiving messages and new Members of Congress are not yet set up with correspondence systems. However, POPVOX will work with each Congresional office to ensure delivery of your messages, including any pending from the past few days, as soon as possible.

Check back here for updates on the transition. Please feel free to leave questions in comments.

UPDATE 11:57 AM ET: The 112th Congress was declared adjourned “sine die.”

UPDATE: 12:00 PM ET: The 113th Congress is being called to order.

UPDATE: 12:15 PM ET: POPVOX will transition to the 113th Congress just before 2:00 PM ET.

UPDATE: 1:15 PM ET: POPVOX has switched to the 113th Congress.